For almost four years I have worked in community service. In September, my salary will be cut by almost 2/3. This is my journey toward finding a meaningful income.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Book Proposal! Job Hunting! Fear.

I finished my book proposal package and took the next step:  I started sending queries to agents.  My proposal package is great.  My writing sample demonstrates my talent and the tone of the book.  My chapter outline is fluid and clear.  My proposal is convincing.  It's all very well written, if I do say so myself.  The problem? 
Prospective agents don't want to see any of that yet.
My only chance to impress an agent is by sending a query.  And it's not like I can spend hours on my query like I did the other parts of my proposal and write the single best query you'll ever see in your life and send that to all the agents.  No.  Each agent wants something a little bit different.  They want to read a letter from me and decide whether or not to rep my book.  But it's not a book of letters and I'm not a letter-writer!  I'm a story-writer! 
I've gotten two rejections so far.  I sent out seven queries, so I guess that's five rejections left to go.  I know, I know tracht gut veh zein gut, but I'm finding that I need a little zein gut so I can start trachting better.  I've got four weeks to replace my income before we have to find somewhere new to live.  I keep looking around this apartment with such heartbreaking affection.  So much of our lives have happened in these walls that I can't imagine leaving it behind, and if we do have to, I'll feel at fault because it is my income that keeps us here.  It is all very upsetting and worrisome and my overall outlook has been effected.  It is hard to be cheerful with the threat of moving looming.
I've started applying for 9-5 jobs.  As much as something fulfilling and uplifting would be ideal, having spent so long doing a job I love for wonderful people and serving G-d, to boot, I'm not holding my breath.  I need to pay the rent and a babysitter, and as long as I can cover those, I can work on finding my dream job or getting my book published without worry of finding my family looking for new digs. 
Through it all, my dignity is taking a beating.  The salary cut, the query rejection, the job hunt; it's a long series of "You're not good enough"s.  If I had a better attitude, it could be a series of "one step closer to success"s, but I'm finding that attitude really difficult to culminate right now.  There's also the worry of if I'm doing it wrong.  About one o'clock this morning, I wondered if those half dozen or so resume cover letters I emailed out should have been in business letter format...but do you do that for an email?
I need a boost.  A positive response from an agent, a promising letter from a prospective employer, the winning lottery numbers.  SOMETHING.  Until then, the countdown continues.


  1. "I know, I know tracht gut veh zein gut, but I'm finding that I need a little zein gut so I can start trachting better." I hear you, sister. We're pulling for you!!

  2. I just know that all this hishtadlus is going to do its magic, Yael. Hang in there!
